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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
You will need to bring your own laptop to the assembly session.
Overall, the steps involved are:
To make the most of your time in the assembly workshop, it's best to install some tooling so you can maximise your time spent building and playing, rather than installing and configuring.
# Connect to your car, start up the driving management software
# Drive the car on a track (through the web interface, or some sort of external controller) and record the session.
# Download the data onto your computer
# Process the data into a self-driving model (either on Google Colab or on your local environment)
# Put the model back on the car.
# Start the car in self-driving mode.
Why do we need a laptop?
From a software perspective, the DingoCar (Raspberry Pi) is self-contained ... driving, data acquisition (for training) and ultimately self-driving are all performed with on-board software.  The provided micro-SD card already has all the required software pre-installed, as well a pre-training A.I / Machine Learning model for the OHMC2020 track.  The DingoCar software includes a web-server that provides a web interface that works on both desktop and mobile web browsers (which is adequate for driving).
From a software perspective, the DingoCar (Raspberry Pi) is self-contained ... driving, data acquisition (for training) and ultimately self-driving are all performed with on-board softwareThe provided micro-SD card already has all the required software pre-installed, as well as two pre-training A.I / Machine Learning models.  The DingoCar software includes a web-server that provides a web interface that works on both desktop and mobile web browsers (which great for driving).
But you need your own laptop to connect to the car (and possibly train the Neural Network, using the data acquired on the DingoCar).  Google Collab or your laptop is used to train the Machine Learning model, because the Raspberry Pi is way too slow for training Machine Learning models.
But you need a laptop to train the Neural Network ... using the data acquired on the DingoCarTo do this, you need Python and [https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/ TensorFlow] (a Machine Learning framework) on your laptop.
Once you have built your car and tried the prepared software and Machine Learning model, you are strongly encouraged to acquire your training data, train the Machine Learning model and try self-driving the car using your model.
The OHMC2020 project is effectively a general purpose image detection / recognition module, which can be easily detached from RC car base. We hope that you try training the car on situations other than just two-line tracks, e.g train by driving down the sidewalkWe especially hope that you experiment with applications that don't involve the RC car, e.g make a pet door that has been trained to only open for your pet !
== Software environment: Laptop / Desktop ==
== Software environment: Laptop / Desktop ==
'''Windows only: Install WSL'''
For easiest, and fastest Machine Learning model training, you can use software on Google's Colab to process your car data in the cloud (free GPUs for everyone !). This means you only need to have on your computer:
* ssh: to connect to your car. (Windows users, it's now an [https://www.howtogeek.com/336775/how-to-enable-and-use-windows-10s-built-in-ssh-commands/ optional Microsoft update] or [https://putty.org/ install putty]).
* scp: to copy files to and from your car (Windows users: [https://putty.org/ putty] comes with pscp which is equivalent)
* a google drive account
If you'd like a local build environment on your computer, check out our [[quickstart guide]], or use the detailed and thorough instructions on the [https://docs.donkeycar.com/ DonkeyCar website].
== Initial car setup ==
Your car is already preconfigured to access the LCA2020 Wi-Fi access point. It will display its IP address (among other data) on the OLED screen. You can use this IP address to know where to connect to (via SSH).
First: update the password away from the default!
''ssh pi@<IP_ADDRESS>'' with the default password ''raspberry''.
Change this once you log in, using ''passwd'' command.
Update your car with the latest software updates from your delightful OHMC organiser team.
    $ cd ~/play/ai/dingocar/utility
    $ git pull
    $ sudo ./upgrade_to_v0.sh
== Driving your car manually ==
'''Caution: Put your car "on blocks" (wheels off the ground) the first time you try driving it'''
* ssh pi@<IP_ADDRESS> 
* cd ohmc_car
* python manage.py drive
* You'll want to install WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) so you have a Linux environment (it's Debian under the covers) to work in.
  loading config file: /home/pi/play/roba_car/config.py
* Follow [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10 these instructions].
  config loaded
* You'll end up with a new (swirly shaped) icon. Use this to run a bash window and get to a command prompt.
  PiCamera loaded.. .warming camera
  Starting Donkey Server...
  You can now go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8887 to drive your car.
'''Install Python'''
With a desktop web browser, the user interface provides a virtual joystick (right-hand frame) that you can use to drive the car ... altering the steering and throttle values.
In the mobile web browser, the user interface allows you to drive by tilting the phone left-right for steering and forwards-backwards for throttle.  For safety, you must press the [Start Vehicle] / [Stop Vehicle] toggle button to enable control.
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/get_driving Further DonkeyCar docs on driving]
We don't want Python 2, and people have reported problems with Python 3.7 or later. So we currently use Python 3.6.
== Acquiring training data ==
Miniconda instructions:
We have preloaded a model on your car so you can cut straight to [http://www.openhardwareconf.org/wiki/OHMC2020_Software_instructions#Letting_your_car_drive_itself.21 letting the car drive itself] if you'd like. 
* Go to the [https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/ Miniconda archive]
Once you are driving your car confidently around a track, it is time to acquire training data for the Neural Network. DingoCar operates at 10 frames per second, capturing a 160x120 image, along with steering angle and throttle value. This is all stored in the ''$HOME/ohmc_car/data/tub_xx_yy_mm_dd'' directory.
* Download Miniconda3-4.5.4 in the right system for you. (WSL Debian users want Linux_x86_64.sh)
* In your bash prompt, go to the directory holding the file (WSL Debian: cd /mnt/c/Users/<username>/Downloads/)
* Run the script: ./Miniconda3-4.5.4-Linux-x86_64.sh
This will by default add the Miniconda directory to your path. Now you can check you have Python 3.6 installed and available:
Before training, it may be helpful to clean out previous data in the ''$HOME/ohmc_car/data/'' directory.
* python3 -i
* This should show you Python 3.6.5 | Anaconda Inc.
* Use quit() to get out of the python shell
Compile from source (but no virtual environments):
Perform the same commands as for manual driving:
* yum install python36
* ssh pi@$IP_ADDRESS
* python3.6 -m venv ~/virtualenvs/donkeycar
* cd ohmc_car
* source ~/virtualenvs/donkeycar/bin/activate
* python manage.py drive
'''Get Dingocar'''
Then via the web browser press the [Start Recording] button, drive the car around a track, then press the [Stop Recording] button.
Go to which directory you like to keep your coding projects in.
It is recommended that you collect between 5K and 20K frames.  At 20 frames per second, that is between 500 and 2,000 seconds of driving (6-33 minutes). Practically speaking, you can get away with 5-10 minutes.  Make sure that you drive clockwise and anti-clockwise! Just like a human: the more practice in different conditions you can give your car in training, the better it will drive for itself.
* git clone https://github.com/tall-josh/dingocar.git
* cd dingocar
* git checkout master
'''Install Tensorflow for machine learning'''
When finished acquisition, then transfer the data from the DingoCar to your laptop / desktop for training the Neural Network.
* Ubuntu
* export $DATE=yy_mm_dd
** apt-get install -y virtualenv  # Note: You may be using a different software installer
* First ssh into your car and create a tarball of your data for easier transfer
** mkvirtualenv donkeycar -p python3
** tar czvpf tub_$DATE.tgz ohmc_car/data/tub_$DATE/
** pip install tensorflow==1.8.0  # Note: Probably requires Python 3.5 or 3.6.  People are having problems with Python 3.7
* Then, on your computer, copy the data from your car, back to your computer.
(if you get errors, you can try (re-) installing pip: python -m pip install --upgrade pip )
** If you're using google colab, you can just copy the data to any directory you'd like to use.
** scp -pi@<car_ip>:tub_$DATE.tgz .
* Debian, if virtualenv isn't there, try this instead
== Turn your data into an AI model ==
** virtualenv donkeycar -p python3
** cd donkeycar
** export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH
** pip install tensorflow==1.8.0
(This seems to be v2, but 2019 instructions use 1.8?)
Once training data has been copied to your laptop / desktop, you can begin training the Neural Network. You can train your data on Google Colab, or on your local environment.  
* conda install tensorflow-gpu # gpu? cpu? both?
'''Install Dingocar'''
'''Google Colab instructions'''
* pip install -e ./dingocar
This is convenient because it's fast, doesn't require a big setup time on your local computer, and gives you more time playing with your car and less time dealing with installation and configuration. Also, if you don't have a GPU, it's significantly faster using Google's computer power to generate the model than it is to do it on your own.
* Log into your google account (or sign up on the spot)
2019 instructions, under review
* Go to the [https://colab.research.google.com/github/dingocar/donkey-car-training-on-google-colab/blob/master/Donkey_Car_Training_using_Google_Colab.ipynb google colab site]
* Click the 'Copy to Drive' button to make a copy for your own use.
The left hand panel has information, the right hand panel is where the operations happen. It's a sequence of steps that you can run, and modify. The sequence of instructions walks you through uploading your data from your car to your google drive account, then running it through the colab machine learning model generator. Every time the web session ends, your session on Google colab also ends and you need to restart operations from the start.
Click on each instruction to execute it.
Note: Once you have reinstalled tensorflow you will need to restart the runtime as instructed.
== Software installation: Laptop / Desktop ==
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/install_software Extensive DonkeyCar documentation]
Once a command has been run, it shows the output.
== Software installation: Raspberry Pi ==
Remember your data file you copied off your car? You need to upload it to your Google drive. The Google colab script expects the tub data to be in a directory on GDrive called mycar.
'''Your DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi) is already pre-installed. This section is for reference only.
Once you've finished the script and copied the .h5 file back into your Google Drive, you can get it back down to your laptop and from there, onto your car.
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/install_software/#get-the-raspberry-pi-working Extensive DonkeyCar documentation]
* scp mypilot.h5 pi@<IP_ADDRESS>:ohmc_car/models/model_$DATE.hdf5
* sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1    # Reconnect via ssh afterwards
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/train_autopilot Further DonkeyCar info on training]
* sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
* apt-get update
'''Training on your computer'''
* apt-get upgrade
* apt-get install -y vim git mosquitto-clients
* apt-get install -y virtualenv build-essential python3-dev gfortran libhdf5-dev libatlas-base-dev libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff5
* apt-get install -y i2c-tools
If you'd like a local build environment on your computer, check out our [[quickstart guide]], or use the detailed and thorough instructions on the [https://docs.donkeycar.com/ DonkeyCar website].
* i2cdetect -y 1
        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a b  c  d  e  f
    00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    40: 40 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
* mv env env.donkeycar
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/train_autopilot Further DonkeyCar info on training]
* virtualenv env -p python3
* pip install tensorflow==1.8.0
* pip install adafruit-pca9685
* pip install picamera
== Finding your car on the network ==
== Letting your car drive itself! ==
Your DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi) has been pre-configured to connect to the LCA2020 network.  But, which IP address ?
Once your trained model has been copied back onto the DingoCar, your car can be self-driven as follows:
Every car has a unique hostname, from ''ohmc_01'' to ''ohmc_32''. The micro-SD card adapter is labeled with your car name.
* python manage.py drive --model ~/ohmc_car/models/model_$DATE.hdf5
However, that still isn't enough to find your car.
Here's one we prepared earlier! If you want to test out your car with a model we made earlier, you can use a model we have pre-loaded onto our car.
So, there is a ''cron'' job that every minute sends an MQTT message to ''test.mosquitto.org'' with your car's name, IP address and a timestamp.
* python manage.py drive --model ~/ohmc_car/models/model_2020-12-12_lca2020.h5
Install an MQTT client, as follows ...
This works similar to the manual driving mode with the addition of a trained model that can either:
* apt-get install mosquitto-clients
# User: Manual control of both steering and throttle
# Local Angle: Automatically control the steering angle
# Local Pilot: Automatically control both the steering angle and throttle amount
Use the following command to read the MQTT messages ...
The web browser provides a drop-down menu to select between these options.
* mosquitto_sub -h test.mosquitto.org -t 'ohmc/#' -v
It is recommended to just start with "Local Angle" and control the throttle manually with the "i" key (faster) and "k" key (slower).
  ohmc/ohmc_01 Mon 11 Jun 07:08:01 UTC 2018
= Troubleshooting =
== Driving the car manually ==
See the [[OHMC2020 Troubleshooting guide]].
'''Caution: Put your car "on blocks" (wheels off the ground) the first time you try driving it'''
= What next? =
''' Configuring wifi networks '''
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/get_driving Extensive DonkeyCar documentation]
To connect to your car when you leave LCA, you want to be able to join it onto other networks. It's a good idea to configure it to talk to your phone's hotspot, so that you can access your car anywhere. Run ''raspi-config'' which will bring up a UI from which you can add more networks.
IP_ADDRESS=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  # Found as above
If you need to configure a new network but can't get into your car to do so, you can
* plug in an external monitor (there's an HDMI port) and USB keyboard, or
* configure your Pi "headless" (without a monitor/keyboard), by taking out the SD card, plugging it into a computer and creating a wpa_supplicant.conf into the SD's root directory with the appropriate username/password of the network. ''!! This will override any existing networks configured on your RPi. !!'' - [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/headless.md Headless instructions]]
* ssh pi@$IP_ADDRESS  # Note: Raspberry Pi default username: ''pi'' and password: ''raspberry''
''' Configuring timezone '''
* cd ohmc_car
* python manage.py drive
  loading config file: /home/pi/play/roba_car/config.py
You may also want to update your timezone when you get home, this can also be done in ''rasp-config''.
  config loaded
  PiCamera loaded.. .warming camera
  Starting Donkey Server...
  You can now go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8887 to drive your car.
With a desktop web browser, the user interface provides a virtual joystick (right-hand frame) that you can use to drive the car ... altering the steering and throttle values.
'' Steering and throttle calibration '''
The mobile web browser, the user interface allows you to drive by tilting the phone left-right for steering and forwards-backwards for throttle. For safety, you must press the [Start Vehicle] / [Stop Vehicle] toggle button to enable control.
To save time at the workshop, you won't need to calibrate your car's steering and/or throttle. However, you may get better results and can perform calibration when you have time.
== rPi reboots and Auto-starting donkeycar without logging in ==
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/calibrate DonkeyCar instructions on calibration]
If your rPi reboots when you're driving, check the following things:
''' See what your car sees '''
# did you swap the servo wires between steering and power. Turn the ESC off, unplug one servo wire, turn the ESC back on (little toggle switch), and test steering. Make sure that steering does not activate the wheel motors. 
# is your battery low? are you accelerating too quickly? 
Because the battery has a high internal resistance, if you demand a lot of power too quickly, the voltage on the battery drops enough that the rPi gets below its critical voltage (when you add the voltage drop from the voltage converter), and the rPi reboots.
To restart donkey server automatically, do the following: 
AI is not magic. You'd think it's looking at the lines on the ground, until you check out its image of what it's really paying attention to. Once you've generated a model, you can get your dingocar to generate a movie showing how it's used your training data to come up with its model.
* Add this to /etc/rc.local: 
su - pi -c 'cd ~/ohmc_car; python manage.py drive &>/tmp/out'
* move 'source ~/env/bin/activate' from ~/.bashrc to ~/.profile
== Steering and throttle calibration ==
    %cd ~ohmc_car
    donkey makemovie --tub data/{tub_name} --model models/{model name}.h5 --type linear --salient
To save time at the workshop, you won't need to calibrate your car's steering and/or throttle.
This puts tub_movie.mp4 into the current directory which you can play. It shows two velocity lines: one blue and one green. The blue line is the predictions, the green line is the actual data. The lines show throttle through line length, and steering is the angle of the line. The highlights on the movie show the inputs the car is paying attention to for it to make its decisions.
However, you may get better results and can perform calibration when you have time ... [http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/calibrate by following the DonkeyCar instructions]
''' Do more with your DingoCar '''
== Data acquisition for the Neural Network ==
A DingoCar is for life, not just for the OHMC at LCA. There's so much more you can do with it. Check out our [[Beyond DingoCar]] section.
Once you are driving your car confidently around a track ... it is time to acquire training data for the Neural Network.  DonkeyCar operates at 10 frames per second, capturing a 160x120 image, along with steering angle and throttle value.  This is all stored in the ''$HOME/ohmc_car/tub/'' directory.
''' Dive into docs '''
Before training, it is a good idea to clean out previous data.  Don't just remove all the files in the ''tub/'' directory !  The ''tub/meta.json'' file is important.
There's [http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/install_software extensive DonkeyCar documentation] if you're looking for more detailed installation or configuration instructions.
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/train_autopilot Extensive DonkeyCar documentation]
Perform the same commands as for manual driving ...
= Background information =
* ssh pi@$IP_ADDRESS
== How your Raspberry Pi image is built ==
* cd ohmc_car
* python manage.py drive
Then via the web browser press the [Start Recording] button ... drive the car around a track ... then press the [Stop Recording] button.
''Your DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi) is already pre-installed. This section is for reference only.''
It is recommended that you collect between 5K and 20K frames. At 10 frames per second, that is between 500 and 2,000 seconds of driving. Make sure that you drive clockwise and anti-clockwise.
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/install_software/#get-the-raspberry-pi-working Extensive DonkeyCar documentation]
You will need to type this command just once on your DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi)to provide a directory on your laptop for your training data ...
''' Step 1: Copy Raspberry Pi microSD card image and shrink with GPartEd to 6 Gb '''
* rsync -av pi@<car_ip>:ohmc_car .
* See https://elinux.org/RPi_Resize_Flash_Partitions
* See https://softwarebakery.com/shrinking-images-on-linux
When finished acquisition, then transfer the data from the DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi) to your laptop / desktop for training the Neural Network.
''' Step 2: Configure wifi (without needing external kb and monitor) '''
* rsync -av pi@<car_ip>:ohmc_car/tub ohmc_car/tub_$DATE
* Raspberry Pi: Headless Raspberry Pi setup with wifi
* See https://styxit.com/2017/03/14/headless-raspberry-setup.html
  cd /Volume/boot
  touch ssh
  vi wpa_supplicant.conf
    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  ssh pi@raspberrypi.local  # password: raspberry
== Training the Neural Network ==
''' Step 3: Upgrade Raspberry Pi firmware, operating system and packages '''
Once training data has been copied to your laptop / desktop, you can begin training the Neural Network.
  raspi-config  # Keyboard, locale, timezone, minimal GPU memory, enable I2C
  sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1    # You will need to reconnect via ssh afterwards
  sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 # IPv6 disabled to ensure apt works properly (and is off everywhere, for clarity)
  apt-get update  &&  apt-get upgrade
    *** Updating firmware
    *** depmod 4.19.93-v7l+
    *** If no errors appeared, your firmware was successfully updated to b2b5f9eeb552788317ff3c6a0005c88ae88b8924
  sudo reboot
  uname -a
    Linux 4.19.93-v7l+ #1286 SMP Mon Jan 6 13:24:00 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
  apt-get install rcs
[http://docs.donkeycar.com/guide/train_autopilot Extensive DonkeyCar documentation]
''' Step 4: Install DonkeyCar dependencies '''
Run these commands on your laptop / desktop to train the Neural Network ...
  apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-virtualenv python3-numpy python3-picamera python3-pandas python3-rpi.gpio i2c-tools avahi-utils joystick libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff5-dev gfortran libatlas-base-dev libopenblas-dev libhdf5-serial-dev git
* workon donkeycar  # For those who have set-up a virtualenv
''' Step 5: Install optional OpenCV dependencies '''
* cd ohmc_car
* python manage.py train --tub $HOME/ohmc_car/tub_$DATE --model ./models/model_$DATE.hdf5
   using donkey version: 2.5.7 ...
   apt-get install libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libjasper-dev libwebp-dev libatlas-base-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libqtgui4 libqt4-test
  loading config file: /Users/andyg/play/ai/roba_car/config.py
  config loaded
  tub_names ./tub_2019-01-15c
  train: 5740, validation: 1436
  steps_per_epoch 44
  Epoch 1/100
  2019-01-21 13:08:49.507048: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:140] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
  43/44 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 58.5130 - angle_out_loss: 30.3421 - throttle_out_loss: 86.6839     
  Epoch 00001: val_loss improved from inf to 0.19699, saving model to ./models/roba0_2019-01-16c.hdf5
  44/44 [==============================] - 38s 874ms/step - loss: 57.1887 - angle_out_loss: 29.6601 - throttle_out_loss: 84.7172 - val_loss: 0.1970 - val_angle_out_loss: 0.3230 - val_throttle_out_loss: 0.0710
On a modern laptop, each epoch will take around 30 seconds to complete.  For up-to 100 epochs.  Typically, you can expect around 20 to 40 epochs before the Neural Network stop learning.  That is around 10 to 20 minutes of training time.
''' Step 6: Install OpenSSL '''
The training command creates the Neural Network weights that represent what your DonkeyCar has "learned".
* See https://joshspicer.com/python37-ssl-issue
  mkdir /tmp/openssl
  cd /tmp/openssl
  wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2q.tar.gz
  tar -xvpf openssl-1.0.2q.tar.gz
  cd /tmp/openssl/openssl-1.0.2q
  make -j4
  sudo make install
When training has completed, copy the trained model back to your DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi)
''' Step 7: Install Python 3.6.5 (takes a while) for TensorFlow 1.14 '''
* scp $USERNAME@$HOSTNAME:ohmc_car/models/model_$DATE.hdf5 models
  apt-get install libbz2-dev  # for pandas !
  cd ~/downloads
  wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.5/Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
  tar -xpf Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
  cd Python-3.6.5
    vi Modules/Setup.dist
  # Uncomment the following lines ...
      _ssl _ssl.c \
        -DUSE_SSL -I$(SSL)/include -I$(SSL)/include/openssl \
        -L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto
  ./configure --enable-optimizations
  make -j4
  sudo make altinstall
  python --version
  sudo rm -rf Python-3.6.5.tar.xz Python-3.6.5
== Self-driving ... the ultimate goal ==
''' Step 8: Setup Virtual Env '''
Once your trained model has been copied back onto the DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi), your car can be self-driven as follow ...
  python3.6 -m venv env
  echo "source env/bin/activate" >> ~/.bashrc
  source ~/.bashrc
* python manage.py drive --model ~/ohmc_car/models/models/model_$DATE.hdf5
''' Step 9: Install Donkeycar Python Code '''
This works similar to the manual driving mode with the addition of a trained model that can either ...
* See https://github.com/tall-josh/dingocar/wiki
1) User: Manual control of both steering and throttle
  cd ~/play/ai
  git clone https://github.com/autorope/donkeycar
  cd donkeycar
  git checkout master
  pip install cython numpy
  pip install -e .[pi]
2) Local Angle: Automatically control the steering angle
* See  https://www.tensorflow.org/install/pip
3) Local pilot: Automatically control both the steering angle and throttle amount
  cd ~/downloads
  wget https://www.piwheels.org/simple/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.14.0-cp36-none-linux_armv7l.whl
  pip install tensorflow-1.14.0-cp36-none-linux_armv7l.whl # Requires Python 3.6
  >>> import tensorflow as tf
  >>> print(tf.__version__) # 1.14.0
  cd ~/play/ai
  git clone git@github.com:tall-josh/dingocar.git
  cd dingocar
  git checkout master
The web browser provides a drop-down menu to select between these options.
''' Step 10: Install optional OpenCV '''
It is recommended to just start with Local Angle ... and control the throttle manually with the "i" key (faster) and "k" key (slower).
* Build Python OpenCV from source code (if desperate) ...
* See https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/05/28/ubuntu-18-04-how-to-install-opencv
  apt install python3-opencv  # For Python3
  cd ~/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages
  ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cv2.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so cv2.so
  >>> import cv2
  >>> print(cv2.__version__) # 3.2.0
''' Step 11: Configure PS/3 Controller '''
* See https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-playstation-controllers
== Neopixels ==
  apt-get install libusb-dev
  cd ~/play
  mkdir sixpair
  cd sixpair
  wget http://www.pabr.org/sixlinux/sixpair.c
  gcc -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb
On the car, do this: pip install rpi_ws281x adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel  --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org --trusted-host www.piwheels.org
'' Connect PS/3 Controller via USB cable ''
The details come from here: https://learn.adafruit.com/neopixels-on-raspberry-pi/overview
  sudo ./sixpair
'' Unplug PS/3 Controller ''
(env) pi@ohmc_24:~/ohmc_car$ diff -u manage.py.orig manage.py
--- manage.py.orig 2018-06-11 08:14:34.079999106 +0000
+++ manage.py 2018-06-11 08:37:05.959999560 +0000
@@ -122,6 +122,9 @@
    tub = TubWriter(path=cfg.TUB_PATH, inputs=inputs, types=types)
    V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, run_condition='recording')
+    pixels[0] = (32, 64, 128)
+    pixels[1] = (0, 255, 0)
    # run the vehicle
@@ -169,6 +172,13 @@
    cfg = dk.load_config()
    if args['drive']:
+        # Neopixels
+        # https://learn.adafruit.com/neopixels-on-raspberry-pi/python-usage
+        import board
+        import neopixel
+        pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, 2)
+        pixels[0] = (0, 0, 0)
+        pixels[1] = (0, 64, 0)
        drive(cfg, model_path=args['--model'], use_chaos=args['--chaos'])
Then, you need to run as root for neopixels to work:
  apt-get install git libbluetooth-dev checkinstall libusb-dev
  apt-get install joystick pkg-config
sudo /home/pi/env/bin/python manage.py drive
  cd ~/play
  git clone https://github.com/RetroPie/sixad.git
  cd ~/sixad
  sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/sixad/profiles
  sudo checkinstall
  sudo sixad --start
  cd ~/play/ai/donkeycar/donkeycar/parts
  vi controller.py  # modify PS/3 map
  cd ~/play/ai/roba_car
  vi myconfig.py
== Neopixels v2 ==
''' Step 12: Miscellaneous '''
* Get https://gist.github.com/marcmerlin/a3bba2231a3371266e595aa0e6028b77
* Power-down button
* Save under /home/pi/ and /etc/rc.local
  vi /boot/config.txt
* Apply manage.py.diff to /home/pi/ohmc_car/manage.py
* Reboot and both the led server and the car software should start
* You can force an led pattern or color like so
(env) pi@ohmc_24:~/ohmc_car$ echo -n rainbow > /tmp/leds
(env) pi@ohmc_24:~/ohmc_car$ echo -n b > /tmp/leds
(env) pi@ohmc_24:~/ohmc_car$ echo -n cylon > /tmp/leds
* Reboot and both the led server

Latest revision as of 05:15, 26 January 2020


Overall, the steps involved are:

  1. Connect to your car, start up the driving management software
  2. Drive the car on a track (through the web interface, or some sort of external controller) and record the session.
  3. Download the data onto your computer
  4. Process the data into a self-driving model (either on Google Colab or on your local environment)
  5. Put the model back on the car.
  6. Start the car in self-driving mode.

From a software perspective, the DingoCar (Raspberry Pi) is self-contained ... driving, data acquisition (for training) and ultimately self-driving are all performed with on-board software. The provided micro-SD card already has all the required software pre-installed, as well a pre-training A.I / Machine Learning model for the OHMC2020 track. The DingoCar software includes a web-server that provides a web interface that works on both desktop and mobile web browsers (which is adequate for driving).

But you need your own laptop to connect to the car (and possibly train the Neural Network, using the data acquired on the DingoCar). Google Collab or your laptop is used to train the Machine Learning model, because the Raspberry Pi is way too slow for training Machine Learning models.

Once you have built your car and tried the prepared software and Machine Learning model, you are strongly encouraged to acquire your training data, train the Machine Learning model and try self-driving the car using your model.

The OHMC2020 project is effectively a general purpose image detection / recognition module, which can be easily detached from RC car base. We hope that you try training the car on situations other than just two-line tracks, e.g train by driving down the sidewalk. We especially hope that you experiment with applications that don't involve the RC car, e.g make a pet door that has been trained to only open for your pet !

Software environment: Laptop / Desktop

For easiest, and fastest Machine Learning model training, you can use software on Google's Colab to process your car data in the cloud (free GPUs for everyone !). This means you only need to have on your computer:

  • ssh: to connect to your car. (Windows users, it's now an optional Microsoft update or install putty).
  • scp: to copy files to and from your car (Windows users: putty comes with pscp which is equivalent)
  • a google drive account

If you'd like a local build environment on your computer, check out our quickstart guide, or use the detailed and thorough instructions on the DonkeyCar website.

Initial car setup

Your car is already preconfigured to access the LCA2020 Wi-Fi access point. It will display its IP address (among other data) on the OLED screen. You can use this IP address to know where to connect to (via SSH).

First: update the password away from the default!

ssh pi@<IP_ADDRESS> with the default password raspberry. Change this once you log in, using passwd command.

Update your car with the latest software updates from your delightful OHMC organiser team.

   $ cd ~/play/ai/dingocar/utility
   $ git pull
   $ sudo ./upgrade_to_v0.sh

Driving your car manually

Caution: Put your car "on blocks" (wheels off the ground) the first time you try driving it

  • ssh pi@<IP_ADDRESS>
  • cd ohmc_car
  • python manage.py drive
 loading config file: /home/pi/play/roba_car/config.py
 config loaded
 PiCamera loaded.. .warming camera
 Starting Donkey Server...
 You can now go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8887 to drive your car.

With a desktop web browser, the user interface provides a virtual joystick (right-hand frame) that you can use to drive the car ... altering the steering and throttle values.

In the mobile web browser, the user interface allows you to drive by tilting the phone left-right for steering and forwards-backwards for throttle. For safety, you must press the [Start Vehicle] / [Stop Vehicle] toggle button to enable control.

Further DonkeyCar docs on driving

Acquiring training data

We have preloaded a model on your car so you can cut straight to letting the car drive itself if you'd like.

Once you are driving your car confidently around a track, it is time to acquire training data for the Neural Network. DingoCar operates at 10 frames per second, capturing a 160x120 image, along with steering angle and throttle value. This is all stored in the $HOME/ohmc_car/data/tub_xx_yy_mm_dd directory.

Before training, it may be helpful to clean out previous data in the $HOME/ohmc_car/data/ directory.

Perform the same commands as for manual driving:

  • ssh pi@$IP_ADDRESS
  • cd ohmc_car
  • python manage.py drive

Then via the web browser press the [Start Recording] button, drive the car around a track, then press the [Stop Recording] button.

It is recommended that you collect between 5K and 20K frames. At 20 frames per second, that is between 500 and 2,000 seconds of driving (6-33 minutes). Practically speaking, you can get away with 5-10 minutes. Make sure that you drive clockwise and anti-clockwise! Just like a human: the more practice in different conditions you can give your car in training, the better it will drive for itself.

When finished acquisition, then transfer the data from the DingoCar to your laptop / desktop for training the Neural Network.

  • export $DATE=yy_mm_dd
  • First ssh into your car and create a tarball of your data for easier transfer
    • tar czvpf tub_$DATE.tgz ohmc_car/data/tub_$DATE/
  • Then, on your computer, copy the data from your car, back to your computer.
    • If you're using google colab, you can just copy the data to any directory you'd like to use.
    • scp -pi@<car_ip>:tub_$DATE.tgz .

Turn your data into an AI model

Once training data has been copied to your laptop / desktop, you can begin training the Neural Network. You can train your data on Google Colab, or on your local environment.

Google Colab instructions

This is convenient because it's fast, doesn't require a big setup time on your local computer, and gives you more time playing with your car and less time dealing with installation and configuration. Also, if you don't have a GPU, it's significantly faster using Google's computer power to generate the model than it is to do it on your own.

  • Log into your google account (or sign up on the spot)
  • Go to the google colab site
  • Click the 'Copy to Drive' button to make a copy for your own use.


The left hand panel has information, the right hand panel is where the operations happen. It's a sequence of steps that you can run, and modify. The sequence of instructions walks you through uploading your data from your car to your google drive account, then running it through the colab machine learning model generator. Every time the web session ends, your session on Google colab also ends and you need to restart operations from the start.

Click on each instruction to execute it.

Note: Once you have reinstalled tensorflow you will need to restart the runtime as instructed.


Once a command has been run, it shows the output.


Remember your data file you copied off your car? You need to upload it to your Google drive. The Google colab script expects the tub data to be in a directory on GDrive called mycar.

Once you've finished the script and copied the .h5 file back into your Google Drive, you can get it back down to your laptop and from there, onto your car.

  • scp mypilot.h5 pi@<IP_ADDRESS>:ohmc_car/models/model_$DATE.hdf5

Further DonkeyCar info on training

Training on your computer

If you'd like a local build environment on your computer, check out our quickstart guide, or use the detailed and thorough instructions on the DonkeyCar website.

Further DonkeyCar info on training

Letting your car drive itself!

Once your trained model has been copied back onto the DingoCar, your car can be self-driven as follows:

  • python manage.py drive --model ~/ohmc_car/models/model_$DATE.hdf5

Here's one we prepared earlier! If you want to test out your car with a model we made earlier, you can use a model we have pre-loaded onto our car.

  • python manage.py drive --model ~/ohmc_car/models/model_2020-12-12_lca2020.h5

This works similar to the manual driving mode with the addition of a trained model that can either:

  1. User: Manual control of both steering and throttle
  2. Local Angle: Automatically control the steering angle
  3. Local Pilot: Automatically control both the steering angle and throttle amount

The web browser provides a drop-down menu to select between these options.

It is recommended to just start with "Local Angle" and control the throttle manually with the "i" key (faster) and "k" key (slower).


See the OHMC2020 Troubleshooting guide.

What next?

Configuring wifi networks

To connect to your car when you leave LCA, you want to be able to join it onto other networks. It's a good idea to configure it to talk to your phone's hotspot, so that you can access your car anywhere. Run raspi-config which will bring up a UI from which you can add more networks.

If you need to configure a new network but can't get into your car to do so, you can

  • plug in an external monitor (there's an HDMI port) and USB keyboard, or
  • configure your Pi "headless" (without a monitor/keyboard), by taking out the SD card, plugging it into a computer and creating a wpa_supplicant.conf into the SD's root directory with the appropriate username/password of the network. !! This will override any existing networks configured on your RPi. !! - [Headless instructions]

Configuring timezone

You may also want to update your timezone when you get home, this can also be done in rasp-config.

Steering and throttle calibration '

To save time at the workshop, you won't need to calibrate your car's steering and/or throttle. However, you may get better results and can perform calibration when you have time.

DonkeyCar instructions on calibration

See what your car sees

AI is not magic. You'd think it's looking at the lines on the ground, until you check out its image of what it's really paying attention to. Once you've generated a model, you can get your dingocar to generate a movie showing how it's used your training data to come up with its model.

   %cd ~ohmc_car
   donkey makemovie --tub data/{tub_name} --model models/{model name}.h5 --type linear --salient

This puts tub_movie.mp4 into the current directory which you can play. It shows two velocity lines: one blue and one green. The blue line is the predictions, the green line is the actual data. The lines show throttle through line length, and steering is the angle of the line. The highlights on the movie show the inputs the car is paying attention to for it to make its decisions.

Do more with your DingoCar

A DingoCar is for life, not just for the OHMC at LCA. There's so much more you can do with it. Check out our Beyond DingoCar section.

Dive into docs

There's extensive DonkeyCar documentation if you're looking for more detailed installation or configuration instructions.

Background information

How your Raspberry Pi image is built

Your DonkeyCar (Raspberry Pi) is already pre-installed. This section is for reference only.

Extensive DonkeyCar documentation

Step 1: Copy Raspberry Pi microSD card image and shrink with GPartEd to 6 Gb

Step 2: Configure wifi (without needing external kb and monitor)

 cd /Volume/boot
 touch ssh
 vi wpa_supplicant.conf
   ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
 ssh pi@raspberrypi.local  # password: raspberry

Step 3: Upgrade Raspberry Pi firmware, operating system and packages

 raspi-config  # Keyboard, locale, timezone, minimal GPU memory, enable I2C
 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1     # You will need to reconnect via ssh afterwards
 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 # IPv6 disabled to ensure apt works properly (and is off everywhere, for clarity)
 apt-get update  &&  apt-get upgrade
   *** Updating firmware
   *** depmod 4.19.93-v7l+
   *** If no errors appeared, your firmware was successfully updated to b2b5f9eeb552788317ff3c6a0005c88ae88b8924
 sudo reboot
 uname -a
   Linux 4.19.93-v7l+ #1286 SMP Mon Jan 6 13:24:00 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
 apt-get install rcs

Step 4: Install DonkeyCar dependencies

 apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-virtualenv python3-numpy python3-picamera python3-pandas python3-rpi.gpio i2c-tools avahi-utils joystick libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff5-dev gfortran libatlas-base-dev libopenblas-dev libhdf5-serial-dev git

Step 5: Install optional OpenCV dependencies

 apt-get install libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libjasper-dev libwebp-dev libatlas-base-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libqtgui4 libqt4-test

Step 6: Install OpenSSL

 mkdir /tmp/openssl
 cd /tmp/openssl
 wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2q.tar.gz
 tar -xvpf openssl-1.0.2q.tar.gz
 cd /tmp/openssl/openssl-1.0.2q
 make -j4
 sudo make install

Step 7: Install Python 3.6.5 (takes a while) for TensorFlow 1.14

 apt-get install libbz2-dev  # for pandas !
 cd ~/downloads
 wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.5/Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
 tar -xpf Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
 cd Python-3.6.5
   vi Modules/Setup.dist
 # Uncomment the following lines ...
     _ssl _ssl.c \
       -DUSE_SSL -I$(SSL)/include -I$(SSL)/include/openssl \
       -L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto
 ./configure --enable-optimizations
 make -j4
 sudo make altinstall
 python --version
 sudo rm -rf Python-3.6.5.tar.xz Python-3.6.5

Step 8: Setup Virtual Env

 python3.6 -m venv env
 echo "source env/bin/activate" >> ~/.bashrc
 source ~/.bashrc

Step 9: Install Donkeycar Python Code

 cd ~/play/ai
 git clone https://github.com/autorope/donkeycar
 cd donkeycar
 git checkout master
 pip install cython numpy
 pip install -e .[pi]
 cd ~/downloads
 wget https://www.piwheels.org/simple/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.14.0-cp36-none-linux_armv7l.whl
 pip install tensorflow-1.14.0-cp36-none-linux_armv7l.whl # Requires Python 3.6
 >>> import tensorflow as tf
 >>> print(tf.__version__)  # 1.14.0
 cd ~/play/ai
 git clone git@github.com:tall-josh/dingocar.git
 cd dingocar
 git checkout master

Step 10: Install optional OpenCV

 apt install python3-opencv  # For Python3
 cd ~/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages
 ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cv2.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so cv2.so
 >>> import cv2
 >>> print(cv2.__version__)  # 3.2.0

Step 11: Configure PS/3 Controller

 apt-get install libusb-dev
 cd ~/play
 mkdir sixpair
 cd sixpair
 wget http://www.pabr.org/sixlinux/sixpair.c
 gcc -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb

Connect PS/3 Controller via USB cable

 sudo ./sixpair

Unplug PS/3 Controller

 apt-get install git libbluetooth-dev checkinstall libusb-dev
 apt-get install joystick pkg-config
 cd ~/play
 git clone https://github.com/RetroPie/sixad.git
 cd ~/sixad
 sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/sixad/profiles
 sudo checkinstall
 sudo sixad --start
 cd ~/play/ai/donkeycar/donkeycar/parts
 vi controller.py  # modify PS/3 map
 cd ~/play/ai/roba_car
 vi myconfig.py

Step 12: Miscellaneous

  • Power-down button
 vi /boot/config.txt