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Revision as of 09:35, 9 January 2017

The IoTuz uses the ESP32 at its core, and hence the dev environment for the IoTuz is the standard ESP_IDF dev environment/framework.

Instructions for installing the ESP-IDF dev framework are at https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf#setting-up-esp-idf

The on-board USB Serial chip for the IoTuz is the CP2102, and you'll need support for this to communicate with the board. You can download drivers from http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/pages/usbtouartbridgevcpdrivers.aspx

If you have a Linux 3.x or later kernel, these drivers are usually supplied by default with the OS Distro. If you roll your own kernel or are using a really stripped down system, you may need to build them from source.