SimpleBot Initial Software Configuration

From Open Hardware Miniconf
Revision as of 02:22, 8 January 2015 by Alec Clews (talk | contribs) (Creating your own SD image: Added more setup info)
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The Simple Bot software is installed on the Raspberry Pi. If you are attending the workshop you will be provided with a pre-installed SD card to use. This page will help you with any additional configuration that is required and allow you to create your own SD image if you need to later.

Changing the default configuration

1. Insert the Micro SD card into a laptop or workstation using the provided adaptor
2. When the image is mounted open the file `machine.local` in a text editor
3. Edit the file as explained by the comments in the file.
4. Save the file and unmount the SD card and then remove it
5. Insert the card into the Raspberry Pi and power up

By default the Miniconf image will use a hostname based on the unique serial number of the ARM CPU.

Creating your own SD image

You can create a suitable development kit as follows:

1. Install a Raspberry Pi Raspian Image on your SD by following these instructions.
2. Boot your raspberry Pi and login as user `pi` with password `raspberry`
3. Make sure your keyboard is correctly configured and you have internet access
4. Run the following command
         script initialsetup -c "bash <(wget -O -"
   This will create a log in the file initialsetup. At the end of the process the Pi will reboot
5. Login again
6. Run the following command
         script packagesetup -c "bash <(wget -O -"
   This will create a log in the file packagesetup. At the end of the process the Pi will reboot.
   NB When asked you should 'N' to ROS install unless you know that you really need it.

There are more details at

General references

Compiling the driver for the RT7601 WiFi chipset

This worked:

### Prepare kernel source
sudo su
cd /usr/src
git clone --depth 1 #downloads about 132MB
ln -s /usr/src/linux /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
make mrproper
gzip -dc /proc/config.gz > .config
make modules_prepare
### Fetch driver source
cd ~
mkdir wireless-drivers
cd wireless-drivers
tar zxf DPO_MT7601U_LinuxSTA_3.0.0.4_20130913.tar.gz
cd DPO_MT7601U_LinuxSTA_3.0.0.4_20130913
### Make and install driver
sudo make install

To configure it as a wireless client, edit /etc/network/interfaces and add this to the end:

auto ra0
allow-hotplug ra0
iface ra0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "YOUR SSID"

Finally, reboot and it'll come up with the wireless interface enabled:

sudo reboot

Other notes from various attempts:

This "fixnet" script may be useful to re-establish the network connection if it drops out after a day or so:

Download driver source from

cd ~/mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916
make install
cd ~/wireless-drivers/DPO_RT5572_LinuxSTA_2.6.1.3_20121022
sudo make
sudo make install
git clone